Friday, June 6, 2014

This 6 inch Japanese cheese cake is so easy to make and a lot less celeries.
First time to make it and gone in 5 mins =)


1.Milk 20ml
2.Butter 20g (Melt)
3.Cream cheese 100g (Melt)
4.Lemon juice 2 teaspoon ( I use white vinegar :P)
5.Egg yolk 2
6.Cake flour 300g
7.Corn flour 5g
8.Sugar 10g

Egg white Batter
1.Egg white 2
2.Lemon juice 1/2 tea spoon
3.Sugar 30g

1.Preheat oven at 180c and put baking paper around a 6 inch banking pan
2.Mix the batter ingredients one by one and mix well
3.Whisk the egg whites until foamy. Add  the sugar and corn flour and whisk the 
egg white until glossy and stiff peak form.
4.Fold the Egg white batter into batter together.
5.Put into 6 inch pan and bake for mins at 180c
6.bake for another 40 mins at 110c